Transformation of sentence
Rules of Transformation Simple. Complex. Compound 1. Too…….to (ব্যক্তি সংক্রান্ত) The boy is too weak to walk. 1. So……..that (sub. যদি ব্যক্তিসংক্রান্ত হয়) The boy is so weak that he cannot walk. 1.and/and so The boy is very weak and he cannot walk. 2. Too…… (for) to (sub. যদি বস্তু সংক্রান্ত হয়)The load is too heavy for me to lift. 2. So….. that (sub. যদি বস্তু সংক্রান্ত হয়)The load is so heavy that I cannot lift. 2. and/and so The load is very heavy and I cannot lift. 3. Too…….to (passive রুপে) The man is too dishonest to be respected. 3. So….. that The man is so dishonest that people do not respect him. 3. and/and so The man is dishonest and people do not respect him. 4. Enough to (ব্যক্তি সম্পর্কে) The boy is innocent enough to believe. 4. So….. that The boy is so innocent that he believes anybody. 4. and/and so The boy is innocent and believes anybody. 5. Enough to (বস্তু সম্পর্কে) The math is eas...
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